Corporate Wellness

Show Your Employees How Much You Care!
The Stress Management Center provides programs to your employees that help relieve stress, care for their backs, and manage a myriad of aches and pains from their workday life. Offering these programs through Human Resources is a great way to show your commitment to their wellness. This leads to better retention, improved satisfaction, and increased performance.

SMC can design a single lunchtime event, a 6 week course, or ongoing programs. We have provided companies with everything from weekly movement classes to daily meditations for Stress Management. Our team is frequently asked for on-site care, including movement and massage therapy. Our newest offering, SMC OnDemand, extends our integrated wellness services. Read more below!
We’ve developed programs for:
Kaiser Permanente
Wells Fargo
Paul Hastings
County of Marin

How To Create A Team In A Hybrid Environment
SMC can be a part of an effective wellness program for the “new normal” of hybrid / remote workforces. Empower your employees, improve performance, and foster team connections in a diffuse setting. Choose from one of our popular workplace programs below or contact us to create something specifically for you! Pricing starts at $350 per class for companies of 150 people or less, travel not included. Available online or in-person. Quotes for larger companies available upon request.
Our Most Popular Classes
Core Values
physical strength plus inner focus, posture and backcare
Worksite Stress Management
proven techniques to promote team work and resilience
Yoga Remedies for Daily Life
yoga therapy for aches and pains
& Moving for Stress Relief
slow and quiet
yoga class
Mindfulness Meditation
classic technique for stress relief and improved focus
Up Your Game
pre- and post-
sports stretching
The Daily
Wind Down
finishing your day and improving
your sleep
Take A Break From Your Desk
Online classes are structured so you can partcipate in your space and not be tied to the screen. The instructor will be able to see and guide you through breathing and movement. A live instructor guarantees a more personalized online experience. Studies prove that a short break will relax and rejuvenate you, creating a fresh approach to the remainder of your day.
Desk Dynamics
reduce back and upper body strain with
Desk Dynamics
reduce back and upper body strain with
Let us design a unique program for your company. Contact us today.
ALL ACCESS: Ask us about getting a discount code for all SMC offerings and private sessions.